Everyone has come: Arielle the Little Mermaid, Harry Potter, Spiderman, and of course Leo, the magical prince from the video game ‘Fire Emblem’. Ok, it’s really Andrea, but she looks like him. Like tens of thousands of other fans, the 15-year old has come to Comic Con in London – an event all about comics, films and computer games. Many of the visitors come all dressed up as their favourite characters.
Together with her friends, Andrea has specially come here all the way from Taunton, more than 200 km away. There she had spent a long time working on her costume. The whole costume took about 11 months on and off to finish”, she says. Her armour is made up of twelve individual pieces made from EVA foam which she shaped with a heat gun and a dremel and then glued together.
The other parts of the costume include a wig, clothes and a cape, which, of course, she has also made herself.


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